_ What happened, Ben?
_ He got careless.
They jumped me
at the Hastings' place.
That's why we came in, to straighten
this out. He had no right arresting us.
_ He's wearing a badge.
_ We were just looking for answers.
Next time, it might be an idea to wait
till I tell you to light out after somebody.
All right, you Elders, take off.
_ Go on. I'm going to talk to Billy.
_ I'm going with you.
Since I got home someone's asking me
to leave or pulling a gun on me.
A gunfighter can't be treated like a hero.
_ I'm no gunfighter!
_ You're his brother.
I know how to handle unfriendly towns.
At Katie's grave you said
the last thing you wanted was trouble.
_ You drive me out, I'll be back.
_ That goes for me, too.
Why didn't you tell us
that Bass was shot in the back?
Does it make any difference
which direction the bullet came from?
Yes, if you're trying to find out
if he was murdered.
_ What do you want to know?
_ What happened to our old place?
_ lf Pa sold it, there'd be money.
_ Not if he gambled it away.
_ ls that what happened?
_ Hastings says so.
I see no reason to doubt him.
He had six witnesses.
Your pa must have been pretty drunk.
He was going to be a better provider
for Katie, win a fortune for her.
_ I don't know how she put up with him.
_ She loved him.
_ That was good enough for her.
_ We all loved him, Billy.
It was just that when he got
to gambling and hitting that bottle...
_ How long after the game was he shot?
_ Same night.
Wouldn't you say
that was a little coincidental?