This town can grow
and become important.
It needs water power for a mill.
The ranch had the water power.
I intended to buy it,
not win it in a card game.
No offence meant, could we see
the paper that transferred the ranch?
Certainly, of course.
You have every right to.
It's right here.
Yes, here it is.
That's where
your father made his mark.
And the signatures
of the other witnesses.
_ You one of these witnesses?
_ Of course.
_ The rest of these work for you?
_ Occasionally.
What was the game
you were playing that night?
_ The game? Blackjack.
_ Blackjack?
_ Are you sure it was blackjack?
_ Of course.
Pa always told us he wouldn't
be caught dead playing blackjack.
Shoot his kids if he saw them playing it.
Thought it was a woman's game.
Mr Hastings,
you know all the people in this town.
Who do you think was the dirty,
stinking rat that killed our pa?
Why ask me?
We aim to find out.
We started playing blackjack with Pa
when we were three or four.
We know that, but Hastings doesn't.