We'll give half the money
to the parson.
I think we ought
to get her a nice stone for her grave.
A big stone with nice writing on it.
_ What do you call it?
_ A monument. Do you think so, John?
_ She'd like that.
_ Why buy a hunk of stone?
Because there ought to be
something to remember her by.
The Ridders got their mother
an angel with her finger pointing up.
_ At who?
_ Nobody!
_ All right, then, an angel.
_ Does it have to be an angel?
Besides, some kid
shot the angel's finger off,
and it looked like
she was shaking her fist.
_ We'll get a marble lamb!
_ How about a horse?
_ A horse? For a grave?
_ Ma loved horses.
How'd you like to have a marble horse
on top of you for the rest of eternity?
_ What's happened to all of us?
_ You said she'd like a monument.
Yeah, but not that kind. She wanted
one of us to amount to something.
She sure drew a flat blank zero!
Not if Bud goes back to school.
That's the kind of monument she wants.
Why me? One of you
go amount to something!
_ It's too late for us.
_ I won't be no monument.
I'm going with you. We'll be famous,
like the Dalton brothers.
Yeah, they're famous, but they're just
a little bit dead. They were hung!
We keep the book.