The Sound of Music

Come here, my child.
Now sit down.
Reverend Mother, I'm sorry.
I couldn't help myself.

-The hills were beckoning and before--

I haven't summoned you for apologies.
Please let me ask for forgiveness.
If you'll feel better.
Yes, you see,
the sky was so blue today. . .

. . .and everything was so green and
fragrant, I had to be a part of it.

The Untersberg led me higher like
it wanted me to go through the clouds.

Suppose darkness had come
and you were lost?

Mother, I could never be lost
up there.

That's my mountain.
I was brought up on it.

It was the mountain that led me
to you.

When I was a child,
I would come down and climb a tree. . .

. . .and look in your garden.
I'd see the sisters at work
and hear them sing.

Which brings me to another
transgression, Reverend Mother.

I was singing out there today.
Only in the abbey do we have rules
about postulants singing.

I can't stop wherever I am.
Worse, I can't seem to stop
saying things.

Everything I think and feel.
Some call that "honesty. "
Oh, but it's terrible,
Reverend Mother!

You know how Sister Berthe makes me
kiss the floor after a disagreement?

Lately, I kiss the floor
when I see her coming to save time.

Maria. . .
. . .when you saw us over the wall
and longed to be with us. . .

. . .that didn't mean you were prepared
for the way we live here, did it?

No, Mother, but I pray and I try.
And I am learning. I really am.
What is the most important lesson
you have learned here?

To find out what is the will of God
and do it wholeheartedly.
