No, Your Grace, I'm not going to help you.
Then goodnight, Master More.
Let the dynasty die with Henry Vlll
and we'll have dynastic wars again.
Blood-witted barons ramping the country
from end to end.
Is that what you want? Very well.
England needs an heir.
Certain measures, perhaps regrettable...
...perhaps not, there's much in the Church
which needs reformation, Thomas.
All right, regrettable.
But necessary to get us an heir.
Now, explain how you, as a councillor
of England, can obstruct these measures...
...for the sake
of your own private conscience.
I think that when statesmen forsake
their own private conscience...
...for the sake of their public duties...
...they lead their country
by a short route to chaos.
And we shall have my prayers
to fall back on.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
To govern the country with prayers?
Yes, I should.
I'd like to be there when you try.
Who will wear this after me?
Who's our next chancellor?
You? Fisher? Suffolk?
-Fisher for me.
-Aye, but for the King?
What about my secretary,
Master Cromwell?
Cromwell. He's a very able man.
Me rather than Cromwell.
Then, come down to earth.
Until you do...