Baked apples, sir.
To sweeten my judgement.
I'll give your daughter the same judgement
I would give my own.
A fair one, quickly.
Bless you, sir.
I understand. Yes. I'll read it.
Yes. Thank you.
Good evening, Sir Thomas.
-I'll read it.
-It's an awkward case.
-I could illuminate it for you--
-I'll read it.
Just a moment or two....
Chelsea, sir?
I expect you'll make it worth my while, sir.
-You've got a licence?
-Bless you, yes sir, I've got a licence.
-Well then, the fares are fixed.
-They are, sir.
Hampton to Chelsea downstream,
a penny halfpenny.
Chelsea to Hampton upstream,
a penny halfpenny.
Whoever makes the regulations
doesn't row a boat.
No. Threepence if you get me home
for breakfast.
Thank you, sir.
A nice cup, sir.