-Have you been here all night?
You said there was a post?
Yes. I'll offer you a post, with a house,
a servant and £50 a year.
What post?
At the new school.
A teacher!
Richard, no one's going to give you
a place at court.
Master Cromwell says
he'll do something for me.
Well, if you know Cromwell
you don't need my help.
Sir Thomas?
If only you knew how much,
much rather, I had your help than his.
Not to a place at court.
Why not?
-What is it?
-It's a bribe!
"l am the gift of Averil Machin."
And Averil Machin has a lawsuit
in the Court of Requests.
Italian silver. Take it. No joke.
Thank you.
What will you do with it?
Sell it.
-And buy what?
-A decent gown!
But Richard, that's a little bribe.
At court they offer you all sorts of things,
home, manor houses, coats of arms.
A man should go
where he won't be tempted.
Why not be a teacher? You'd be
a fine teacher. Perhaps a great one.
-lf I was, who would know it?
-You! Your pupils. Your friends.
God. Not a bad public, that.
And a quiet life.