Now I'll never know your true opinion,
and that's irksome.
Well, we artists, we love praise,
yet we love truth better.
-Then I will tell my true opinion.
To me it seemed delightful.
Thomas, I chose the right man
for chancellor.
I should in fairness add that my taste
in music is reputedly deplorable.
Your taste in music is excellent!
It exactly coincides with my own.
Send them back without me, Thomas.
I'll live here in Chelsea and make music.
My house is at Your Grace's disposal.
Touching this other business, mark you...
...I'll have no opposition.
Your Grace.
No opposition, I say. No opposition.
Be seated.
I'll leave you out of it
but you are my chancellor.
I don't take it kindly
and I'll have no opposition!
I see how it will be.
The bishops will oppose me!
The full-fed princes of the Church!
Hypocrites! All hypocrites!
Mind they do not take you in, Thomas!
Your Grace is unjust.
If I cannot serve Your Grace
in this great matter of the Queen.
I have no queen!
Catherine's not my wife!
No priest can make her so.
They that say she is my wife
are not only liars, but traitors!
Yes, traitors!
That I will not brook now!
I will not brook.
It maddens me!
It is a deadly canker in the body politic,
and I will have it out!