You can say that again.
Little Gilda, she´s pregnant.
- No! How long?
- Couple of months.
You ain´t thinking
of getting married?
Me, in my state of health?
Sorry, full up.
Room for just one more inside.
Humphrey, l´m glad it´s your bus.
- Are you?
- I haven´t seen you for so long.
You don´t need flinging down stairs
to know you´re not welcome.
- L´m sorry.
- That´s alright.
- L´ve missed our little chats.
- Have you?
Two six pennies,
when you´ve got the time!
l´ve never seen you looking lovelier.
Still can´t get you out of my mind.
How´s... How´s Alfie these days?
He´s fine.
Mind you, it doesn´t hurt
like it used to.
- What doesn´t?
- The old heartache.
Still, I wouldn´t be without it.
You haven´t got engaged
or anything like that, have you?
No, nothing like that.
He doesn´t rush into things, Alfie.
I don´t expect you´II ever need me.
But if you do, l´II always be there.
Bye, Gilda.
God bless.