You know what you´ve had,
don´t you, girl?
You´ve had a change of heart.
I can see it in your face.
What about it?
Haven´t you ever had one?
Yes, but l´ve always resisted it.
Lying in hospital feeding him
brought it on.
I could see your face changing.
Coming over all mumsy.
- L´m not ashamed of it.
- But you´ve got to think of him.
You could never bring him up
like this rich woman could.
We´II see.
l´m going back to work next week.
She could really take care of him.
Dress him handsome.
Who says I can´t dress him proper?
Look at that lovely shawl,
and the things for him
in that drawer.
You can´t learn him to talk nice.
Not like this rich woman could.
I can if I try hard.
Not proper, you can´t. He´II be
´´bleeding´´ this and that and worse.
- I won´t let him.
- These are dry, you can use ´em.
Who´II look after him
when you go back to the caff?
l´m not going back. L´II work in
the brewery. It´s better paid.
Lugging bleeding beer crates about?
When will you learn some sense?
Who will look after him
while you´re at the brewery?
A woman called Mrs Tippet.
She´s got four children of her own
and she´II look after him
from Monday morning
till Friday teatime.
And l´II have him all the weekend.
I think that´s best for him.
And what about... and what about me?
You think l´II spend my weekends
dodging under wet nappies?
You won´t leave us, Alfie? Not now?
l´II have to think about it.
Please! I won´t ever ask you
for anything, not a farthing.
But don´t leave us now.
If you do...
Don´t talk like that.
I haven´t said l´II leave you.
I had to speak up. I don´t think
you´re doing right by that kid.
But I will. L´II look after him.
l´II never neglect him. Never.
l´m only telling you the truth
as I see it.
You won´t leave us, will you?
- Promise me, Alfie. Promise!
- Let go. Don´t ruckle my sleeve.