Nice, isn´t it?
Goes like a bomb, too.
This car-hire firm l´m working for,
they have all the best stuff.
Know where l´m off to now?
Pick up a party of publicans,
take ´em to Brighton for the races.
You´ve gotta get out
and enjoy yourself.
Once a bloke starts thinking about
a bird he´s finished with,
well, there´s a waste of time
for you.
l´m not picking ´em up till 11:30,
so l´m popping in here.
It´s that X-ray.
Didn´t come out right or something.
Load of red tape, if you ask me.
Tilt forward, please. Thank you.
You´ve done this before, haven´t you?
Thank you. Have you been worrying
about anything lately, Mr Elkins?
Who, me?
No, l´m not the worrying sort.
You know what? Gilda´s only decided
to marry this Humphrey geezer.
- Do you find you get tired easily?
- No, l´m always full of energy.
I got a letter from her, see?
´´I don´t love him, ´´ she says,
´´but I do respect him. ´´
I don´t want no bird´s respect.
I wouldn´t know what to do with it.
- Step on the scales, please.
- I haven´t got much time.
She´s told me time and again
she loves me.
Loves me for myself,
whatever that means.