You know what?
I had an ´orrible nightmare.
- You must have had too much supper.
- No, serious.
I dreamt
that the hydrogen bomb had fallen,
and I didn´t get killed.
But I got some of that dust
on my shoulder, see?
I rushes in this house,
shuts the door,
and who´s standing there?
Little Malcolm.
Oh, yeah.
It´s this kid I used to know.
And then I realised that this...
this dust on me,
this poison l´ve picked up...
...will kill him.
And I was taking it to him.
I was taking death to him.
But what could I do? I had to save
my bleeding self, didn´t I?
Made me feel rough, though.
It would make some sense
to a psychiatrist.
You know what? I wish just for once
I could get myself to do
something good in my dreams.
It wouldn´t cost me anything.
l´d get a great deal
of satisfaction out of it.
They´ve got you when you´re awake
and when you´re asleep.
You´II be leaving here next month?
l´II be glad to get back to London.
It won´t be the same
without you around here.
I ain´t gone yet.
Would you like me to give you
something to make you sleep?
Now, there´s a good idea.
Alright, then, come with me.
Marvellous what you can get
on the National Health.
- Bye, Mr Elkins.
- Bye, Mrs Clamacraft.
Bye-bye, love.
You know something? Visiting days
ain´t doing you any good.
- How do you mean?
- Takes you a week to get over one.
If you´re not careful, you´II be
leaving here in your wooden suit.
But that´s all I live for,
to see her and talk to her.
You´ve got to live for yourself,
not for others.