Nikdo nepoene stádo
bez honákù.
- Moji komanèové to zvládnou.
- Kavalerie?
pièka. Bojovali pod Jebem Stuartem.
Jsou mezi nimi Texasané? Pasáci?
Jsou to Virgiòané.
A není nic, co by na koni
Ne, ale krávu by nevyhnali
ani z chlíva.
Trvá dlouho stát se honákem.
Pane Kelly, vae schopnosti
nejsou dost vyuívány.
Není to patný.
Ale neútoèíte na nepøítele.
enete dobytek.
Proto potøebujete honáky.
Nobody's even gonna start to move
that herd out without drovers.
- My Comanches can handle it.
- Cavalry?
Top riders. Fought under Jeb Stuart.
Any Texans among them? Cowhands?
They're Virginians.
And there's no damn thing anybody
can do on a horse they can't match.
No, except maybe drive a cow
out of a closet.
Takes a long time to train a drover.
Open up.
Mr. Kelly, your education
has been sadly neglected.
Not bad.
But you're not charging the enemy.
You're pushing cattle.
For that, you need trained cowboys.