- A few days in the pasture...
- You are late, Mr. Kelly.
Ten days late. Ten miserable days
in this stinking, hot town.
Is it Vermont or Massachusetts?
I'm from Boston...
...which, may I tell you, is one
long way from this prairie rat hole.
Well, there are certain compensations,
major, in a railroad town.
I was hoping that you brought
a couple of them along.
I see.
I don't happen to be a procurer,
Mr. Kelly.
Forgive me.
Whiskey or sherry?
I'm here on business, Mr. Kelly.
United States Army business.
I'm waiting for an explanation.
What were you in civilian life?
A lawyer. I want an explanation.
Lawyer, huh?
- You've never driven cattle?
- Hardly.
Three months, major. Not ten days.
Three months, staring into
the rear ends of those beeves.
Smelling their stink,
choking on their dust...
...listening to their
damn bellowing night and day.
I'm a reasonable man.
If I weren't...
...I might go over to the other side
and see how their manners are.
You'd do business
with the Confederates?
Their money's no good.
What's he doing?
If I'm not mistaken,
someone's stealing my wine.
I thought you were a soldier,
not a sheriff.