He was killed defending our home.
Mexican War, I think you called it.
We had other names for the theft
of a piece of our country.
The officers wore the same uniform
you have on.
Only some of them now
have changed it to grey.
So I say, "Alvarez Kelly...
...take what you can from both sides.
Small return for your birthright."
- Beg pardon, ma'am.
- What is it?
A guard found one of our drovers...
...beaten and unconscious.
- We're 30 miles behind the lines!
They butchered a steer
inside the gates.
Where the hell were the sentries?
Excuse me.
All right, let's go.
The poor major.
He finds duty more fascinating than...
Do you undress every woman you meet?
There has to be some beauty.
Then it's no special compliment.
Being a beautiful woman
is compliment enough.
From what you've said
about your father's estancia...
...it must have been something
like it was here before the war.
Very much like it.
Might be interesting
to buy some land around here.
Not to help rebuild, though.
Not to live.
- Just to buy cheap and sell dear.
- It's a nuisance the other way around.
You disappoint me, Mr. Kelly.
After what happened to you, I should
think you'd sympathize with us.
I have no sympathies, only instincts.
And they shy away from losers.
I'm overstaying my welcome.
You must be tired.
You underestimate yourself, Mr. Kelly.