God bless, Charity.
Oh, Mrs. Warwick.
Good night and God bless.
Major Steadman.
- Yes, major?
- You had visitors.
Old friends of mine.
Old, dear friends.
And why did they take Kelly?
For the money, wouldn't you say?
They didn't have to kidnap him
to get his money.
Perhaps they didn't want to shoot him
in front of me.
Shoot him? For what?
The way they see it, he committed
an act of war against the Confederacy.
Of course, they're prejudiced.
Mrs. Warwick...
...did you know about this?
Of course! I saw it happen.
No, I mean beforehand.
I mean aiding and abetting.
Oh, that difficult lawyer talk, major.
Mr. Kelly was certainly right.
Alvarez Kelly hijacked by rebels.
You appreciate that, major?
Mrs. Warwick.
- Beaurider.
- Yes, sir.
Get back to camp fast as you can.
Straight back. We've had
our enjoyment for the evening.
Yes, sir.
Turn them around, boys!
Now that that's over, would you mind
telling me what this is all about?