Or better yet...
...I could get it for myself.
Bust him, colonel, sir!
Make him shut his big mouth.
Confederate man-of-war?
Kelly, we've got to have that beef.
The army and the whole South
is starving.
- That's your problem, not mine.
- Damn it!
If hungry people don't mean
anything to you, this should!
That already belongs to me.
We'll double it.
In gold, colonel?
Are you suggesting
our currency is no good, sir?
Can I tell you what for?
Colonel, I have to hand it to you.
You're not just half-mad.
How do you figure you're going to
get 2500 head of cattle...
...over Grant's lines? By balloon?
Nope. We don't have
that many balloons.
All right, we can't get over them.
But we can go around.
We can make this big circle.
Come up behind the plantation.
Then we just shoo those cattle
back the way we came.
- Just "shoo" them back?
- That's right.
You know there's a small army
guarding those steers.
Don't you expect a fight?
I'll handle the military.
You handle the herd.
- Fair division.
- Then you'll do it?
Mr. Harrison, I intend to die in bed,
in the arms of a beautiful woman.