Not yet.
- Morning, sir.
- Morning.
Developing a new weapon, Tom?
Trying to scare the Yanks to death?
His idea.
I hope those wailing banshees
are ready.
They're ready.
We move tonight, on schedule.
I know your opinion, I want his.
What about it?
Can the men manage the herd?
If he would keep after them
so that the men sing on key...
You're beginning
to annoy me, Mr. Kelly.
To the point of refusing my services?
Mr. Kelly, I'd give you
the Richmond symphony...
...if they weren't already
in the army.
Polish up your contralto, Tom...
...and I'll notify General Lee
you're set to go.
Carry on. I'm going back to town.
Nothing like a bath, a bite to eat
and a bottle of whiskey before battle.
- Reception.
- Yes, sir?
My name is Kelly.
Captain Ferguson is expecting me.
Tell him I'm in the dining room.
I shall tend to that, Mr. Kelly.
I'd like a double whiskey.
- Make that two. One for the captain.
- Mr. Kelly.
- Hope I didn't disturb you.
- Not at all.
I was just packing my gear.