- I'll close it...
- Colonel...
Reporting as ordered.
All right, gather around.
The tricky business
is to get past Grant's line.
So we'll swing way out around it.
Fewer sentries.
We'll head for his back door,
through Blackwater Swamp.
About a 50-mile route.
- Lf we can...
- Colonel? Pardon me, sir.
You're saying we'll plow through
- That's one big swamp.
- That's my gamble.
Nobody will expect us, because
nobody'd believe we could cross.
If we can get to the plantation
by tomorrow night...
...we'll hide till dawn...
...take care of whatever Yanks
are there.
- And then...
- I crack the whip.
That's what I'm here for.
Cavalry under General Hampton
will cover our flank on the return.
General Lee's ordered a diversionary
attack to hold the enemy's attention.
His artillery will be our sig...
That's it. That's Lee's artillery.
Our signal to ride. Let's go.
Bugler, call the men!
Colonel Kelly.
That book's not closed...
If anything happens to me...
...kill him.
- Yes, sir.