Go ahead.
- Lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.
How many Yanks did you say?
I'd say abut 300, sir.
And about 1 00 of us.
2500 head of cattle.
That makes 2600 for our side.
We'll divide them up into
groups of 500 each.
I want an inventory of ammunition.
Assemble your men for instructions.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
This business of command
comes easy to me.
You know, sergeant...
...I'm going to miss your merry smile
and winning ways. Get to work.
Let's hurry that up.
Do you still think they'll come
this way?
- Get your men quiet.
- Quiet on the line!
The funny thing about cattle. You can
hear them like the pounding of surf.
Come on!
Move it along!
Get them going!
Move it along!
Keep them moving!
Alert your men.
Ready on the firing line!