l must.
l must.
-l can't live without it.
-Hard luck.
That'll teach you to fall in love
with heavy things on Saturday mornings.
-ls that it?
-That's it.
You can't treat it like that.
lt's not a delivery van.
-who cares?
-Leave it to me.
Something will turn up.
Yes. All right, but it
better turn up today.
Blue 439. Blue 439. Over.
439, go ahead, please. Over.
Hello, this is....
Get me Flaxton 2-249.
Mr. walker. Mr. Peter walker.
Tell him I saw the junk shop.
lt's pricey, but the kid will come down.
Let him ring her right away, then...
...nobody else will get it.
Roger Wilco. Stand by.