Blue 439. Blue 439. Over.
Blue 439. Blue 439. Go ahead, echo.
Blue 439, message passed. The number
stored. Your caller doesn't like it.
Tell him to get stuffed.
what about all the buildings
going up around the place?
Already there are queers
and poodles in the area.
l saw some in the couple
of minutes I was there.
-lt'll go like a bomb. Over.
-Blue 439. What is in the area? Over.
-Forget it. Over.
-Roger Wilco. Standing by.
You want to use the lot?
Don't you like them?
They're great.
we'll use three or four.
Spread through the book?
No. All together.
-And a pint.
-Yes, sir.
which one last?
None of this lot.
I've got something fab for the end.
ln a park. I only took them this morning.
You'll get them later today.
lt's very peaceful, very still.
And the rest of the book will be pretty
violent, so it's best to end it like that.