Hello, Elsa.
Did you look after George for me?
-Hello, darling.
-Hello, George.
-Good trip?
-Not bad. A bit dusty.
-How's Elsa?
-She missed her mom.
l did my best as a babysitter,
but I'm afraid I'm not the type.
Do you Know, she sat out here
all night long waiting for you?
Poor thing. And poor you, too, darling.
Come on, Elsa.
I'll find something nice for you.
George seemed so recovered
from his attack of malaria...
...that we left for Kiunga
the very next day...
...wondering how Elsa wouId react
to the sight of her first ocean.
We reached Kiunga too late for anything...
...except to make camp
and then meet the local fishermen...
...who had come to tell George about their
troubles with the lion killing their goats.
Under the circumstances, Elsa's presence
seemed to puzzIe them considerabIy.
We were tired
and had fallen asleep quickIy.
But I was awakened by noises
coming from near the cars and the kitchen.
There was no doubt that our cars,
or our food...
...were providing
a great temptation to someone.
I didn't want to wake George.