...and then to me for final approval.
ln what way
do l have good bone structure?
ln films, either you have got a face,
or you don't got a face.
You have got a face.
-Can l have it, please?
-The application form.
l'm sure l've got one in here somewhere.
And you say l have a face?
l noticed it when the light hit you
from the side.
Did you look on the shelves?
Not yet.
Everything is in such a mess.
Here it is. Here it is.
Permit for parades and special events.
-lt's all right, you've good bone structure.
Now then you would be required
to have this filled out in triplicate...
...and then it must be brought
to be stamped at the bureau of....
-Anything wrong?
-Please continue, please.
The Bureau of Approvals which would....
l wonder, l wonder.
No, l couldn't ask it.
What is it? Ask me. Go ahead, ask me.
l couldn't ask you. You are a policeman.
That's what policemen are for.
To ask them things.
Go ahead, ask me.
l couldn't ask you to actually act...
...in the picture because l only use
professionals for the talking parts.
No, l couldn't act. l'm a policeman.
-Don't ask me to act.
-Of course not.
What were you going to ask me?
lf, after l got the permit to film in Sevalio...
...if, during the shooting of the film...
...my sensitive camera were
to come across an interesting face...
...with good bone structure...
...a face that could be...
...in a crowd, sitting at a café.