''You make me feel so young
''You make me feel so young
''You make me feel as though
spring has sprung''
Ever heard of an ltalian director
called Federico Fabrizi?
He wants to talk to you about a picture.
-A neo-realistic film.
Send him up. What's neo-realism?
No money. Send him up.
Cleopatra suite. Signor Fabrizi. Fifth floor.
Let's get it straight. l do the talking.
Don't accept nothing from him
unless l say so.
l'd better wear my trench coat
or is it too much?
l'll check what he's done,
see what kind of money he's offering.
l'm going to control the script,
casting, everything.
l'll sit here so when he comes in
he'll get my best side.
l've got it.
l'll get it in black and white
and l'll get two fares back to California.
When he comes in, l'll make an entrance.
Sit down and let me handle this.
Just sit down. You're a star.
Pull the shades, will you?
l don't want to squint. lt crinkles my eyes.
Federico Fabrizi.
Sorry, l don't speak ltalian.
-l am Federico Fabrizi.
-l'm Harry Granoff.
l'm Mr. Powell's manager.
lt's so nice to see you.
Where is he?
Where is my Tony?
Where is my beautiful Tony?
There he is.
There is my Tony.
lt's Fabrizi.
Look at that skin.
Look at that skin like a baby.
What's the matter?
You never get old like the rest of us?
l love him. l love him.
Mr. Fabrizi, have we ever met?