Yes, sir.
That was close.
Did you find anything to drink around here?
I don't mean water.
I don't mean water.
You're right.
Arrest this officer, take him to the rear,
and put him on the first air transport out.
You must be joking.
If I were running the Pentagon,
I'd have you stood up against a wall.
Instead, they'll probably
pin a medal on you.
Have you ever heard
of the word "discipline"?
A staff officer acting like a kid
playing cowboys and Indians...
...is an example that might cost us
a few thousand lives.
What are you trying to prove, Marcus?
I wish to hell I knew, sir.
I wlsh to hell I knew, slr.
I wlsh to hell I knew.
I wlsh to hell I knew.
Why don't we get a divorce?
I don't want a divorce,
but a girl has to have some pride.
What are you talking about?
We haven't really had a marriage.
It's been more like
the world's longest affair.
So why not be sensible?
Just cut the whole thing.
We can just go to bed together
every time you pass through New York.
That's a great proposition
from your own wife!
I told you...
...we're starting the marriage right now.