You always come barging
into the Pentagon...
...asking a question
on a life-or-death matter...
...to be answered in exactly two minutes.
I'd just be an adviser.
It's headquarters stuff.
You couldn't advise a taffy pull
without slugging somebody.
I know it's touchy.
What's our official policy
in the Middle East?
This afternoon or this morning?
There's good military reason for remaining
friendly with the Arab governments...
...and none for loaning a reserve officer...
...as military adviser
to a pipsqueak nation...
...that'll be blown off the map on May 15.
You can't put out all the fires.
Suppose I go as a private citizen?
Then don't involve the Army in any way.
Don't use your rank...
...or even your right name.
Is it all right with you
if I keep the same sex?
Colonel, I am not requesting you
not to go...
...I am ordering you not to go.
That's the best
damn reason I've heard yet for going.
You're going to get yourself killed someday
sticking your neck out.
I can hardly wait.
Thank you, General.
You sure this passport's okay?
It must be. You're the fourth one to use it.