They're trying to close the road
that connects it with Tel Aviv.
Our convoys are being ambushed,
with terrible losses.
Somewhere in Jordan...
...the Arab Legion:
British-armed, British-officered.
The best-equipped
force in the Middle East...
...apart from my wife's family.
Since the United Nations
voted for partition...
...the British are leaving, slowly...
...turning over their fortified positions
to all the Arabs in this country...
...who've never loved us.
We're outnumbered 60-to-1...
Pardon me, 60-to-2, now that you're here.
What would the Pentagon
suggest we do, Mr. Stone?
Teach them to love you, fast.
Wait a minute.
Asher, you've told me everything,
except what I want to know:
The disposition of your own army,
the Haganah.
They have a mean disposition, Mr. Stone.
Certainly you must have heard that.
Don't you want to tell me?
I'm not quite sure
what you need that information for.
As I understand it,
you're a lawyer in the American army...
...judge advocate's office,
behind a desk, unless I'm mistaken.
Asher... Is that really your first name?
Yes, that really is my first name.
Asher, take that chip off your shoulder.
If you know so much about me...
...you may know that I toured this entire
area with Gen. Marshall after the last war.
I know the Arab leaders hate each other
more than they hate you.
Their soldiers have nothing to die for
and don't trust each other.
If you people can pull together,
you have a fighting chance.
But it's going to take organization
and an operational plan of battle.
I happen to serve on the general staff
of the largest army in the Western world.
Whatever I learned behind that desk...
...might be useful to you.
Now, do you want me to go or stay?
I haven't unpacked my bags.
You must be hungry. It's nearly 3:00 a. m.