- Mr. Stone, my husband Andre.
- How do you do?
This is the fourth ship
he's brought through.
It wasn't just me.
There's an engine in the boat.
- Andre...
-No one Is to leave thls beach.
We are not the Gestapo,
ladles and gentlemen...
...there are laws of entry to thls country
whlch we are under orders to enforce.
Please do not make It necessary
for us to use our arms.
But those enterlng Illegally
must be sent back to awalt thelr permlts.
Look over there, sir.
Looks like Wembley Stadium getting out.
If they mix with the others,
we'll never sort them out.
You therel
Clvlllans movlng down to the beach area,
stop and go back.
All those landlng from the sea...