Paging Mr. Ellis. Paging Mr. Ellis.
Paging Mr. Ellis.
Bob Ellis?
Robert Ellis. Room 72.
- No, sir. Charles Ellis. Room 607.
- Are you sure?
Yes, sir.
Paging Mr. Ellis.
Mr. Ellis.
Paging Mr. Ellis.
And that's for you, my dear.
Hello, this is Charlie Ellis, Room 607.
I'm down here in the Mariner's Room.
I'd like to make a call to Los Angeles.
That's right, 607. The number I want
is Poplar 3-7-3-9-9.
Poplar, yes.
Thank you, operator.
- Yeah?
- Hello, Jack. This is Eli.
- About those plans...
- Hey, you drunk or something?
I just wanted to call and tell you
that you can expect the escrow to close...
...around the 10th of February.
- I'll believe it when I see it.
You can expect me then.
I'll give you a call.
- See you then, Jack.
- Sure you will.