Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round

:57:03 a matter of protocol,
rather than distrust.

We will take you directly
to the Ambassador Hotel.

The route used today
will be the same as for the premier.

The exit gate will be a secret
until we're in motion.

Mr. Logan will telephone ahead.
The purpose of this is to ensure
an uninterrupted passage.

We have decided to use Gate 9 today.
Only this immediate group knows that.
Operator, this is Mr. Logan.
Please stand by.

- All right, now.
- 993, please.

Operator, 993 doesn't answer.
Please check your board.

- I had to give him an answer.
- What did you tell him?

I had to tell him the truth.
I can't figure it out.

23 gates and only Gate 9
sporting a noose.

The guard left because of a commotion.
Whoever started that ruckus knew
we were going to use Gate 9.

I can't wait any longer.
I've gotta call Washington.
