Hey, you, come upstairs with me.
l don't want to.
Come on, let's go.
l don't want to. You can't buy me.
lf you don't want to go with him,
you come with me.
She told you she doesn't want to go.
Let her go.
Stop it!
Send away all the girls, Nathaniel.
Let's go girls, go upstairs. You, too.
Man, not again.
A man must be very brave
to talk this way to Ringo.
Brave, or crazy.
Just like the dirty Yankee, who killed
five of my men down at the river.
That must have been some man.
Five men at one time?
That's a job done only by specialists.
The man also took a woman with him.
A harlot who was sold to the Mexicans.
One who betrayed our race.
The war is over, and these things
aren't that way anymore.
l am sorry to contradict you,
but my war never ends, my friend.
You're smart to drag a casket
behind you.
That way you'll be treated with respect.
You'll be buried.
Usually we put the Northern scoundrels
out as poison for the vultures.
l wasn't aware that this racial matter
would also involve the poor vultures.
l thought it concerned
only the Southern pigs.
Men, let's proceed.