No, no!
Hey, Yankee!
l thought there were no more bastards
left in the town.
Are you Hugo's men?
lt's better to take them to the General.
He might want them alive.
Maria, escaping from us was
a dangerous thing to do.
l could punish you for what you did.
What would you say if l cut off
one of your beautiful ears?
You had no right to keep me prisoner!
l had the right that every man has with
all the women he likes!
You know, Hugo, you're talking just like
one of Jackson's racists.
You tart!
Listen Maria,
l don't take this from anyone.
Don't forget that you are half lncan
and half Mexican.
Don't let me remember
the one half l hate.
Look who's here.
The most clever Gringo
of the entire frontier.