After that, you're in danger of attack.
Attack? Who? Or should I say what from?
Benes's natural defences.
White corpuscles, antibodies.
You see, once you begin to grow,
you become a menace to the body
and you'll trigger them off.
And there may be other, unknown, factors.
We can't be certain of anything.
Any further questions? Anybody?
- Just one, General.
- What's that?
Where do I get a cab backto town?
Dr Michaels,
proceed to the sterilisation section.
Yes, sir.
Will you follow me?
How much can a man give to his country?
Your attention, please.
Make the final preparations.
How's it look, Henry?
Holding steady. 32 per minute.
Jack, what's the report?
Respiration is down to six a minute.
I wouldn't take him down any further.
Any problems, Dr Sawyer?