So you turn out to be
a dedicated Zionist!
- A fanatic.
- Yes, you're absolutely right.
- Will you give me those documents?
- No.
- What do you want them for?
- Forget it, I can't give them to you.
- Why not?
- I came here to do a job.
- I hope you're proud of it!
- It's a living.
Your rotten job and lousy few pounds
a week, that's all you care about!
I'm explaining all this
because I think I'm in love with you.
But there are more important things
than my personal feelings.
Those Broum documents
represent over $2,000,000 to us.
We want that money.
We mean to get those papers,
even if we have to kill you for them!
Now, get out!
Oh, by the way,
is old Klaus Berger still alive?
- The forger?
- Yeah, the forger.
I'd like to run you out of Berlin, Palmer.
You and Ml5 and the Deuxiéme Bureau
and the CIA and the rest of them.
Then I can do my job, not provide work
for forgers, thieves and murderers.
I agree, I agree,
but is old man Klaus still alive?