and of great Kane,
father of the universe
and all that lived therein.
And so it remained
until in the days of Kanakoa the King
there came upon the people of this island
the most terrible anguish
that can afflict the spirit of man...
a time when the gods
began to change.
For in that day there arose a new god
whose appetite for human sacrifice
heaped the altars high with his dead...
Oro. Oro whose eyes
were the eyes of death.
So King Kanakoa
called together his people and said,
"This new god, this Oro,
is a god of vengeance and wrath.
Let us run away from him."
The State Canoe of Bora Bora
was the swiftest vessel
in all the oceans of the world.
They filled it with roots and seeds
to plant in a new land
which, legend told them,
lay far to the north.
From its holy place
they took the sacred stone,
the image of gentle Kane,
and guided by Mano the shark,
set out through uncharted seas
towards the unknown,
until at last they approached
the shores of a land
never seen before by the eyes of men,
the glowing land that was Hawaii.