
For over 30 generations
they lived in that land,

remote from the rest of the world,
content in the worship of Kane,
until you came,

and my people found themselves
once more in a time

when the gods were changing.
You who have trained
for your ministries here at Yale College,

and only yesterday
received your diplomas,

cannot begin to imagine
what that can do to the human soul.

Even the Reverend Dr. Thorn
finds it unbelievable

that only 43 years ago, when the English
Captain Cook arrived in Hawaii,

my brothers stood for the first time
face to face with a Christian world

whose existence
they had never even dreamt of.

We beheld your weapons,
your tall ships,

your way with books and numbers,
and we could not doubt the greatness
of your Christian God.

In less than one generation
we leveled our temples,

burnt our pagan idols,
and stood like waiting children for
the revelation you promised to send us.

But instead of sending God's words,
you sent adventurers to steal our lands...

pestilence to ravage our countrysides,
strong drink to devour
the manhood of our sons,

and devils in the shape of whalers
to despoil our daughters
