
My dear, the only thing I'm not willing
to do is abandon my child

to fits of depression and religious mania
in a small upstairs room!

If she can find love and a rich,
new life in Hawaii,

It's a damn sight
better than she's doing here in Walpole,

wasting away over a sailor
who's long since forgotten her.

Shouldn't we give
the young man a chance?

If she doesn't like him,
she can send him away.

I promise.
Abner! A letter! A letter!
"Dear Brother Hale,
as a result of careful inquiries,

"the American Board of Commissioners
for Foreign Missions

"is happy in the will of God to announce
"that you have been chosen
for mission duty in Hawaii.

"Your acceptance, however,
is provisional,

"since there remains the matter
of obtaining a wife to accompany you.

"To this end, you would be well advised
to present yourself in one month's time

"at the house of Charles and Abigail
Bromley in Walpole, New Hampshire,

"there to meet their daughter,
a Christian girl of 22.

"May I also take the liberty
of suggesting that in the interim

"you work in your father's fields
each day with your hat off.

Yours in Christ, Elifaleth Thorn."
Do you think
she will accept you, Abner?

If God wishes it.
Let us pray together.
Almighty God, look down with pity
on this miserable company of sinners,

conceived in lust, delivered in evil,
and slaves to every loathsome appetite
the flesh is heir to.
