
Must I commit murder
to judge it a sin?

Why is it with so many
attractive young people on board,

it's always that mangy scarecrow
that's well enough to eat with us?

Raise your spirits,
my dear friends.

We are a full degree
nearer the equator.

When will this dreadful rocking cease?
Come, Brother Quigley.
You'll have your sea legs soon.

Perhaps you'd care to shave.
I can fetch you some hot water
from the galley.

I don't know what we'd do
without your comfort.

We are a family in Christ,
my dear sister.

Would it compose you
if I were to read to you?

Sister Urania?
Abner, no good cheer, I beg you.
Why, Brother John.
I should think you, as a doctor, would be
the first to prescribe a cheerful face.

As a doctor, Brother Abner,
I accept the truth.

And the truth in this case
is that we are, all of us, except you,

fit only for pickling.
- Mrs. Hale?
- Reverend Hale, I'm so sick.

You must pray.
And try to swallow back more firmly.

- I do try.
- I know.

It's Sunday again.
Forgive me.
You must be ready for services.
I can't even raise my arm.
