- A god of love and mercy.
- No touch!
This place is an abomination.
It is, but until he understands,
we can't ask him to destroy it.
Who is that naked female?
Her my small, little daughter
named Noelani.
One day she grow big and be
the Alii Nui the time when Malama die.
Then she's Keoki's sister?
One day her marry with Keoki.
Together, they get keikewalhine.
Make one more Alii Nui.
Reverend Hale?
This is my sister Noelani.
Do you realize that your father
expects you to marry this girl
and have children by her?
- I will explain this to her later...
- No, now, make it clear now.
I understand English,
Reverend Hale.
Then you must also understand
that your brother is a Christian
and any lustful union between you
is a damnable sin
and must not take place.
I wish I had been given
a little more time to prepare her.
Could I go now
and come back tomorrow?
No! While we waste time,
lhaoles who know how to write
can steal this island.