What are you doing here?
You're supposed to be in Walpole
waiting for me there!
L... How could I have waited?
- You didn't write, I had no...
- Write?
I wrote from Canton,
from Manila, from Santiago,
from Honolulu...
I've never seen anything so beautiful...
Captain, you may not
behave in that manner!
Shut up!
I'm speaking to Miss Bromley.
Rafer, I'm married.
Oh, my God, not to him!
What did he do,
pray you into bed?
For two years now,
I thought of nothing but you,
night and day, on sea and land,
nothing but you!
I'm not going to let you go
a second time.
Abner, don't!
Stop it, Rafer!
Rafer, I'm expecting,
I'm with child!
Go away, go away!
Leave us alone!
I wanted you more
than anything else on this Earth.
I could have taken you by candlelight
in your father's house, and you know that.
May the Lord strike me dead if I ever
pass up another virgin as long as I live.
What a damn fool!
What a God-abandoned fool!
He's right. It's wrong
for the girls to swim out to the ships.
Girls in Boston not swim out?
- Certainly not!
- Water too damn cold?
Not at all!
But the Alii of Boston
have made it against the law,
just as you should make it
against the law here.
I think missionary like stop
everybody have fun.
There's no fun in the disease
these girls catch from the sailors.