Next law: No more will the grog shops
sell the rum to my people.
Next law: There will be no more
sleeping together in mischief
without getting married.
Next law: Here, Kelolo
will be chief of the policemen.
He will beat with sticks
the breakers of these laws.
He will put them in the jailhouse
here in the fort.
Let us now obey these laws.
Then no more will people laugh at us
how we live in Lahaina.
The four of us speak for every ship
in Lahaina harbor, ma'am.
For over two years my men
have been at sea,
and they will not be bound
by a curfew.
We bring lots of custom to this place.
It used to be
the best port in the Pacific.
We live in a small place,
but we change with new times.
You will obey my law.
This afternoon our men are coming
ashore. They will remain ashore tonight.
There'll be no rape,
but any woman willing to trade her favor
for a yard of calico
will have the opportunity of doing so.
If you come, you will be arrested.
Try that and there'll be trouble.
Then there will be trouble.
You no walk this place,
go more far!
We're coming ashore.
Touch one of my men
and you'll smart for it.
You get thrown in the jailhouse,
damn lhaole.