It will be sad when I die
and not go to Him.
On the day you send Kelolo away,
I will accept you into the church,
and you will see Jesus.
I promise.
Now will I sleep for a while.
Aloha, Makua Hale.
Aloha, Alii Nui.
So King Tamatoa called together
his people in Bora Bora
and said, "This new god,
this Oro, I do not like him.
"He is a god of vengeance and wrath.
Let us run away from him.
"Let us cross the waters
to another land.
"There, without fear,
can we worship Kane,
giver of life, Kane the gentle."
So they did that,
and as they drove the canoe forward,
this was their chant...
What's this?
What is it, what's going on?
It's a chant that tells how our people
sailed from Bora Bora
to this new land
beneath the Seven Little Eyes,
guided by Mano the shark.
In a way, it's like the migration
of Abraham in the Bible.
Dismiss the class.
You are dismissed.