In the name of the Father,
the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,
I baptize you
Ruth Malama Kanakoa.
Of Ruth it is written,
strength and honor
are her clothing,
and she shall rejoice
in time to come.
And Ruth said,
"Wither thou goest, I will go."
Alolha hui.
Alolha hui.
My adorable little lhaole sister.
Hear me again,
for I make a kapu.
If on some distant day,
I shall die,
let no one cut his skin
or strike out the teeth
from his mouth
or pluck out the eyes from his face.
Obey this law.
Makua Hale?
Alii Nui.
I be too Ionely apart from Kelolo.
Before he goes,
may I not touch him once more in aloha?