How to Steal a Million

Your arm is much better.
No. lt hurts.
lt's the other arm.
The infection is spreading.
We got here alive. Thank you.
-And if ever l can return the favor--
-Hardly likely to happen, is it?

Now how do l get home?
You see, you never can tell
when you might need a friend.

Good evening, Mr. Dermott.
Armand, l want a taxi.
Yes, Mr. Dermott. Right away.
Transportation laid on.
Gave myself away there, didn't l?
Now you know my name. Can't be helped.

Besides, l have a funny feeling,
believe me, it's rare in my profession...

that you're completely trustworthy.
Just one more tiny favor:
Like an idiot, l forgot to wear gloves.
l may have left fingerprints.

Be an angel. Before you go to bed...
give the frame of the painting
a little wipe with a clean cloth, okay?

Certainly. Anything else?
You wouldn't like a forged passport
or some counterfeit money or....

You're mad, utterly mad.
l suppose you want to kiss me good night.

l don't usually,
not on the first acquaintance...

but you've been such a good sport.
