How to Steal a Million

Excuse me.
You see those tiny blue beams.

They are infrared circuits.
-l have to go.
-Go on. l find it fascinating.

Be careful.
Because those beams create
a circuit around the Venus...

and anything that breaks the circuit,
instant alarm!

Bravo! Thank you--
lt's the Electric Eye Detection
and Alarm System.

We call it the E.D.A.S.
-Very clever.

l know the question you're going to ask:
''What if a burglar got to it
and turned off the alarm?''

No. The thought never entered my mind.
Funny, l was going to ask that very thing.
Good question. The answer is, he cannot.
You see, it operates like the door
to a vault, and only two trusted guards...

and myself of course,
know the combination.

-Let me show you--
-l have an appointment.

-l can spare a few minutes.

-You're coming with me. Aren't you?
-All right. lf you insist. Bye-bye.

Now go away or l'll call a policeman.
Yours is a capricious nature.
Do you always blow hot
and cold like this? Say!

Listen. l have something
very important to say to you.

Now don't go away.
Well, finally!
l waited at the Ritz for you last night.
l thought you'd been caught.

-What happened?

l'm only a part-time burglar,
and it's hard work.

Did you find the van Gogh?

lt disturbs you, doesn't it?
Not a bit.
lt's a great van Gogh.
Of course it is, but who painted it?
My dear Bernard, Bonnet has
a Cellini sculpture on exhibition...

right now which is worth $1,000,000.
He doesn't need to forge paintings.

-Unless you think that's a forgery too.
-No, not that!
