How to Steal a Million

Say! You're marvelous. You're wonderful.
You know, usually l have trouble
talking with girls...

but with you, it's as though
you were a member of the Board.

That's very nice of you, Mr. Leland.
But l wish l didn't have this feeling that
there's a subject you're trying to avoid.

There is something, isn't there?
Yes. l hate to say this.
But you see, it has to do with your father...
and the Bonnet collection.
Yes. You see....
Damn it, this is hard for me to say.

-Mr. Davis Leland?

Long-distance call, Mr. Leland.
United States. California.

How the devil did they track me
down here?

Please excuse me. l'll cut it short.
-Oh, no!
-Not a very cordial greeting.

l went to considerable trouble to arrange
these few precious moments alone.

-Leave the table.
-lt's National Crime Prevention Week.

-Take a Burglar to Dinner.
-My escort has a very ugly temper.

Now go and call off
that fake telephone call.

There's something l must tell you.
-How l'd like to take another shot at you!
-lt's important!

Quittez pas! What is that?
l'm going to quittez pas right now.
Either you leave this table
or l start screaming.

-Yes, l'll go.

Just tell me where and when we can meet.
Choose! And make it fast!
Remember, Simon Dermott.
Room 136, the Ritz. lt's urgent.
