Just as you said...
only greater by far!
l must apologize. l had an urgent call.
A revolution in my country.
Also, some of my mines are flooded.
l must go back soon.
l couldn't bear to leave Paris
without consulting you about this.
-Señor, it is not for sale.
-But you said you might.... You said you....
lt is not for sale!
-l can see the hand of a master!
Goodbye. Adiós.
Preposterous little man!
l met him at the auction
when my Cézanne...
fetched such a stunning price.
Why not? lt was worth a stunning price.
Even more!
This will not be a scandal, but a triumph!
Let the experts come pouring in!
Let them bring their X-rays,
their microscopes...
even their nuclear weapons if they like.
Remember what happened
with van Meegeren...
and all those forged Vermeers?
He drove the experts crazy.
He won every round, fought them,
and then emerged the victor.
He finally painted one last Vermeer
and even that was a triumph.
The guards marveled at the brilliance
of his brushwork.
Even his fellow inmates
couldn't believe their eyes.
And the governor of the prison, he....
What's the number of the Hotel Ritz?
Opera 2830.