Can you give us a brief history
of the Venus, Mr. Bonnet?
Have the police reported any progress yet?
Did you turn down $1,000,000 for it?
How did you learn about the robbery?
l woke up in the night
with a sudden premonition.
l thought it was something l'd eaten.
But Mr. Grammont,
the director of the museum...
he called and l believe
he's on his way here.
Are you offering a reward
for the return of the Venus?
No! What l mean to say is...
that it seems so commercial
to think of money at a time like this.
l just heard the news.
l can't believe my ears or my eyes.
Absolutely fantastic!
To pull off a thing like that!
l guarantee that the police
are investigating.
The police? Man, where's your spirit?
lf we wait for the police...
the Venus will be out of the country!
We'll never set eyes on it again.
De Solnay, l'm still vitally interested
in the Cellini Venus, hot or cold.
Do you know what l mean by that?
Leland! Do you know what you're saying?
You're compounding a felony.
Offering to become
a receiver of stolen goods.
l'm an art lover.
As a public service, l want to make
an independent inquiry to help the police.
ls that a crime?
And if you find it,
a step ahead of the police?
You let me worry about that.
-No, l'm an art dealer, not a fence.
-A fence?
l'll do it entirely on my own.
All l need is an opening contact.
-De Solnay? All right.
There happens to be a man in Paris
at the moment...
who specializes in matters of fine art.
His name is.... No, Leland, please!
Think of what you're trying to do.