How to Steal a Million

The Ritz? Again?
You realize what you're asking
is extremely difficult and dangerous?

-Yes, l know that, Mr. Dermott.
-Please, no names.

We may be up against
some very desperate characters.


Fortunately, l've a few contacts.
ln fact, this morning...

l made a few inquiries, you know,
put out a few feelers. Just idle curiosity.

-You've got a lead?
-Too early for anything concrete.

Let's just say l suspect who was involved.
ls it, you know, what we're talking about,
is it still in France?

l think so. l think
l can definitely state it's still in France.

You realize you might be paying
a great deal of money...

for something you could never exhibit,
acknowledge, or even display...

-not even in your house?
-Yes, l know. l want it!

l just want to take it out of the vault,
all alone, just look at it now and then.

Know that it's mine, that l own it,
that l can touch it.

One more thing.
Do you happen to know the owners,
any member of the Bonnet family?

l've met Bonnet. l know his daughter, too.
As a matter of fact,
l'm going to see her tonight.

Drop her! Don't see her.
Don't even telephone her. That's vital!

Any contact with any member
of the Bonnet family would be fatal.

-The criminals would suspect a trap.
-But we're engaged.

You know, you're a lucky fellow.
From what l hear, she's an enchanting girl.

What the hell! The world's full of statues.
Forget the Venus.

No! Listen!
l'll do anything you say.
l'll give you my word.
